In order to take traffic students must have an Instruction Permit. You can apply for a permit at Morgan Park. Bring a $20 check or money order written out to the Secretary of State and proof of class completion.
Registration for range and traffic will take place in the trailer in the Driver’s Education parking lot (north end of the school campus on Hermosa Avenue) at Morgan Park High School.
Registration hours are Monday - Thursday from 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 8:00am to 2:00 pm. Students will be scheduled for 4 classes. (4 consecutive weekdays or 4 Saturdays in one month)
For questions about traffic or range, email Mr. Khani at [email protected].
There is a $50 fee for traffic paid online. To make your payment scan the code below. Under students and parent, choose Driver Education Fees, Online Payment (ePay), make a one-time payment. Choose Morgan Park as your lab site and keep a screenshot of the receipt on your phone.